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> Скрипт статистики, Verlihub

Нет тегов для показа
сообщение 3.12.2010, 22:54
Сообщение #1


Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 403
Регистрация: 4.11.2008
Из: Город Уфа
Пользователь №: 994
Спасибо сказали: 115 раз

Кому не лень помогите до конца перевести под новый луа и оптимизировать его
С помощью Nickolya мы его привели так то к рабочему ввиду

таблицы заполняются
скрипт рабочий так то данные будут выводиться через день
но при его работы мускул зависает и естественно хаб

Раскрывающийся текст
-- userstats.lua [1.1] for VerliHub (lua 5) --
-- By S_talker ( 05.02.2008 --

DebugFlag = 1
CheckTime = 60*5
CheckTimeDaily = 60*60*24
DeleteOldTime = 60*60*24*30
norm = 10000000000000

--SQL table name
SqlTable =  "bot_userstats"
SqlTableDaily =  "bot_userstats_daily"
SqlTableOverall =  "bot_userstats_overall"

function Main()
    local res, err
    sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "..SqlTable.." (id bigint NOT NULL auto_increment, nick varchar(30) NOT NULL, currenttime datetime NOT NULL default 0, description varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', slots tinyint NOT NULL, onlinetime int NOT NULL default 0, avgshare bigint NOT NULL default 0, maxshare bigint NOT NULL default 0, lastshare bigint NOT NULL default 0, rating bigint NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (id))"
    res, err = SQ(sql)
    sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "..SqlTableDaily.." (id bigint NOT NULL auto_increment, nick varchar(30) NOT NULL, currenttime datetime NOT NULL default 0, description varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', slots tinyint NOT NULL, onlineusers int NOT NULL, share bigint NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (id))"
    res, err = SQ(sql)
    sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "..SqlTableOverall.." (id bigint NOT NULL auto_increment, nick varchar(30) NOT NULL, description varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', slots tinyint NOT NULL, onlinetime int NOT NULL default 0, avgshare bigint NOT NULL default 0, maxshare bigint NOT NULL default 0, lastshare bigint NOT NULL default 0, rating bigint NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (id))"
    res, err = SQ(sql)

--variables for timer
TimeUnit = 0

function VH_OnTimer()
    TimeUnit = TimeUnit + 1
    if TimeUnit >= CheckTime then
        TimeUnit = 0

        HubSecurity = GetHubSecurity()
    OpChat = GetOpChat()
        _, users = VH:GetNickList()
    _, _, users = string.find(users, "%$[Nn]ick[Ll]ist%s(.*)")
    UserCount = 0
    for nick in string.gfind(users, "([^%$%|]+)%$%$") do
        if nick ~= HubSecurity and nick ~= OpChat then
        UserCount = UserCount + 1
    for nick in string.gfind(users, "([^%$%|]+)%$%$") do
        if nick ~= HubSecurity and nick ~= OpChat then
        _, MyInfo = VH:GetMyINFO(nick)
            _, _, Tag = string.find(MyInfo, "^%$MyINFO %$ALL [^ ]+ [^$]*(%b<>)")
            if Tag == nil then
            Slots = 0
            _, _, Description, Share = string.find(MyInfo, "%$MyINFO %$ALL [^ ]+ ([^$]*)%$.*%$([%d]+)%$")
            _, _, Description, Slots, Share = string.find(MyInfo, "%$MyINFO %$ALL [^ ]+ ([^$]*)%<[^$]*,S:([%d]+).*%>%$.*%$([%d]+)%$")
        Description = string.gsub(Description, "%'", "''")
        SQ("INSERT INTO "..SqlTableDaily.." (nick, currenttime, description, slots, share, onlineusers) VALUES ('"..nick.."', NOW(), '"..Description.."', "..Slots..", "..Share..", "..UserCount..")")

    _, rows = SQ("SELECT * FROM "..SqlTableDaily.." WHERE currenttime < DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL "..CheckTimeDaily.." SECOND)")
    if rows > 0 then
    nicks = ""
    res, rows = SQ("SELECT DISTINCT nick FROM "..SqlTableDaily)
    for i=0, rows-1 do
        res, nick = SF(i)
        nicks = nicks.." "..nick
    for nick in string.gfind(nicks, "([^ ]+)") do
        local res, rows
        res, rows = SQ("SELECT description, slots, share FROM "..SqlTableDaily.." WHERE nick = '"..nick.."' ORDER BY currenttime DESC LIMIT 1")
        res, Description, Slots, LastShare = SF(0)
        res, rows = SQ("SELECT MAX(share) FROM "..SqlTableDaily.." WHERE nick = '"..nick.."'")
        res, MaxShare = SF(0)
        res, rows = SQ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "..SqlTableDaily.." WHERE nick = '"..nick.."'")
        res, OnlineTime = SF(0)
        OnlineTime = OnlineTime * CheckTime
        AvgShare = 0
        Rating = 0
        res, rows = SQ("SELECT share, slots, onlineusers FROM "..SqlTableDaily.." WHERE nick = '"..nick.."'")
        for j=0, rows-1 do
        res, Share, Slots, OnlineUsers = SF(j)
        AvgShare = AvgShare + Share
        k = 1 - 1 / (Slots + 1)
        Rating = Rating + Share * OnlineUsers * k
        if rows > 0 then
        AvgShare = AvgShare / rows
        Description = string.gsub(Description, "%'", "''")
        SQ("INSERT INTO "..SqlTable.." (nick, currenttime, description, slots, onlinetime, avgshare, maxshare, lastshare, rating) VALUES ('"..nick.."', NOW(), '"..Description.."', "..Slots..", "..OnlineTime..", "..AvgShare..", "..MaxShare..", "..LastShare..", "..Rating..")")

    SQ("TRUNCATE TABLE "..SqlTableDaily)
    SQ("TRUNCATE TABLE "..SqlTableOverall)
    SQ("DELETE FROM "..SqlTable.." WHERE currenttime < DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL "..DeleteOldTime.." SECOND)")

    nicks = ""
    res, rows = SQ("SELECT DISTINCT nick FROM "..SqlTable)
    for i=0, rows-1 do
        res, nick = SF(i)
        nicks = nicks.." "..nick
    for nick in string.gfind(nicks, "([^ ]+)") do
        local res, rows
        res, rows = SQ("SELECT description, slots, lastshare FROM "..SqlTable.." WHERE nick = '"..nick.."' ORDER BY currenttime DESC LIMIT 1")
        res, Description, Slots, LastShare = SF(0)
        res, rows = SQ("SELECT MAX(maxshare) FROM "..SqlTable.." WHERE nick = '"..nick.."'")
        res, MaxShare = SF(0)
        res, rows = SQ("SELECT SUM(onlinetime) FROM "..SqlTable.." WHERE nick = '"..nick.."'")
        res, OnlineTime = SF(0)
        res, rows = SQ("SELECT AVG(avgshare), SUM(rating) FROM "..SqlTable.." WHERE nick = '"..nick.."'")
        res, AvgShare, Rating = SF(0)
        Description = string.gsub(Description, "%'", "''")
        SQ("INSERT INTO "..SqlTableOverall.." (nick, description, slots, onlinetime, avgshare, maxshare, lastshare, rating) VALUES ('"..nick.."', '"..Description.."', "..Slots..", "..OnlineTime..", "..AvgShare..", "..MaxShare..", "..LastShare..", "..Rating..")")


function VH_OnUserCommand(nick, data)
    if string.find(data,"%+toplist") then
    res, _, a, b = string.find(data,"%+toplist ([%d]+)-([%d]+)")
    if not res then
        a = 1
        b = 30
    ShowTopList(nick, a, b)
    return 0
    elseif string.find(data,"%+rating") then
    res, _, infonick = string.find(data,"%+rating (.+)")
    if not res then
        infonick = nick
    ShowRating(nick, infonick)
    return 0
    return 1

function ShowTopList(nick, a, b)
    HubSecurity = GetHubSecurity()
    res, rows = SQ("SELECT nick, rating/"..norm.." FROM "..SqlTableOverall.." ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT "..(a-1)..", "..(b-a+1))
    if res then
    VH:SendDataToUser("<"..HubSecurity.."> Рейтинг пользователей", nick)
    for i=0, rows-1 do
        res, infonick, rating = SF(i)
        rating = string.format("%d", rating or 0)
        VH:SendDataToUser("<"..HubSecurity.."> "..(a+i)..".\t"..infonick.." -- "..rating, nick)
    VH:SendDataToUser("<"..HubSecurity.."> Ошибка при выполнении запроса ", nick)

function ShowRating(nick, infonick)
    HubSecurity = GetHubSecurity()
    Rated = SQ("SELECT nick, description, slots, onlinetime, avgshare, maxshare, lastshare, rating/"..norm.." FROM "..SqlTableOverall.." WHERE nick='"..infonick.."'")
    if Rated then
    _, infonick, Description, Slots, OnlineTime, AvgShare, MaxShare, LastShare, Rating = SF(0)
    Rating = string.format("%d", Rating or 0)
    Regged = SQ("SELECT class, reg_date, reg_op, login_last, login_cnt, login_ip, email, note_op, note_usr FROM reglist WHERE nick='"..infonick.."'")
    if Regged then
        _, Class, RegDate, RegOp, LoginLast, LoginCnt, LoginIP, EMail, NoteOp, NoteUsr = SF(0)
        Class = 0
    if Rated then
    res, rows = SQ("SELECT nick FROM "..SqlTableOverall.." ORDER BY rating DESC")
    Place = 1
    Found = false
    for i=0, rows-1 do
        res, usernick = SF(i)
        if not Found then
        if infonick == usernick then
            Found = true
            Place = Place + 1
    FirstLogin = 0
    if SQ("SELECT TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(currenttime) FROM "..SqlTable.." WHERE nick = '"..infonick.."' ORDER BY currenttime ASC") then
        _, Days = SF(0)
    VH:SendDataToUser("<"..HubSecurity.."> -----------------------------------------------------------------------", nick)
    VH:SendDataToUser("<"..HubSecurity.."> Информация о пользователе "..infonick, nick)
    VH:SendDataToUser("<"..HubSecurity.."> -----------------------------------------------------------------------", nick)
    VH:SendDataToUser("<"..HubSecurity.."> Рейтинг: "..Rating.." ("..Place.." место)", nick)
    VH:SendDataToUser("<"..HubSecurity.."> Класс: "..Class, nick)
    if Description and Description ~= "" then
        VH:SendDataToUser("<"..HubSecurity.."> Описание: "..Description, nick)
    if Slots and Slots ~= "0" then
        VH:SendDataToUser("<"..HubSecurity.."> Слотов: "..Slots, nick)
    VH:SendDataToUser("<"..HubSecurity.."> Средний размер шары: "..string.format("%.2f", AvgShare and AvgShare/1024/1024/1024 or 0).." ГБ", nick)
    VH:SendDataToUser("<"..HubSecurity.."> Максимальный размер шары: "..string.format("%.2f", MaxShare and MaxShare/1024/1024/1024 or 0).." ГБ", nick)
    VH:SendDataToUser("<"..HubSecurity.."> Последний размер шары: "..string.format("%.2f", LastShare and LastShare/1024/1024/1024 or 0).." ГБ", nick)
    VH:SendDataToUser("<"..HubSecurity.."> Среднесуточное время в онлайне: "..FormatTime(OnlineTime and OnlineTime/(Days+1) or 0), nick)
    VH:SendDataToUser("<"..HubSecurity.."> Пользователя "..infonick.." нет в рейтинговой таблице", nick)

-- Get time string from seconds (HH:MM)
function FormatTime(Seconds)
    Minutes = Seconds/60
    Hours = math.floor(Minutes/60)
    Minutes = math.mod(math.floor(Minutes),60)
    return Hours..":"..string.format("%02d", Minutes or 0)

-- Get the Class of specified User
function GetClass(nick)
       res, class = VH:GetUserClass(nick)
       return class

-- Message to OpChat
function MsgToOpChat(Data)
       return VH:SendPMToUser(Data, Bot, GetOpChat())

-- Get HubSecurity Name
function GetHubSecurity()
       res, val = VH:GetConfig("config", "hub_security")
       return val

-- Get OpChat Name
function GetOpChat()
       res, val = VH:GetConfig("config", "opchat_name")
       return val

-- Debugging purposes
function Debug(Str)
    if DebugFlag then
    VH:SendDataToUser(Str, "Admin")
    return Str

function SQ(sql)
    return VH:SQLQuery(sql);

function SF(row)
    return VH:SQLFetch(row);
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