Здравствуйте, гость ( Вход | Регистрация )
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![]() Начинающий ![]() Группа: Пользователи Сообщений: 24 Регистрация: 30.1.2012 Пользователь №: 10 242 Спасибо сказали: 0 раз ![]() |
установил PtokaX на фрю (9.0-RELEASE) , при запуске ./PtokaX через секунд 10 появляется сообщение server start failed!
нашел папку PtokaX/logs ну и описание моей проблемы кажись : 01.02.2012. 03:15:40 - Resolving of hostname ' <Enter hub address here>' has faile Check the address please сначала была такая запись: <String Name=“HubAddress”></String><!– Hub address. Min length 1, max 256. –> пробовал изменить на: <String Name=“HubAddress”>my-dc.ru</String><!– Hub address. Min length 1, max 256. –> результат тот же... Мож кто встречался с подобной проблемой? |
![]() Продвинутый участник ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Группа: Пользователи Сообщений: 176 Регистрация: 11.7.2008 Пользователь №: 171 Спасибо сказали: 182 раза ![]() |
Попробуй изменить на localhost
![]() Местная ТехПоддержка ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Группа: Администраторы Сообщений: 1 875 Регистрация: 18.7.2008 Из: Моск. Обл, г. королев, район Болшево Пользователь №: 221 Спасибо сказали: 220 раз ![]() |
Попробуй прописать
![]() Начинающий ![]() Группа: Пользователи Сообщений: 24 Регистрация: 30.1.2012 Пользователь №: 10 242 Спасибо сказали: 0 раз ![]() |
Попробовал оба варианта НЕ прокатило.......
![]() Местная ТехПоддержка ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Группа: Администраторы Сообщений: 1 875 Регистрация: 18.7.2008 Из: Моск. Обл, г. королев, район Болшево Пользователь №: 221 Спасибо сказали: 220 раз ![]() |
тогда запусти в gdb ( gdb /way/to/PtokaX) и в открывшейся консоли
Код set logging on start -c /way/to/config А как тока упадет - Код thread apply all bt full Ну и потом выложи сюда выхлоп (gdb.txt) |
![]() Начинающий ![]() Группа: Пользователи Сообщений: 24 Регистрация: 30.1.2012 Пользователь №: 10 242 Спасибо сказали: 0 раз ![]() |
набрал gdb /way/to/PtokaX открылась консоль
далее set logging on появилось сообщение: Copying output to gdb.txt далее start -c /way/to/config и вот тут выскакивает ошибка: Undefined command: "start". Try "help". |
![]() Начинающий ![]() Группа: Пользователи Сообщений: 10 Регистрация: 24.1.2012 Пользователь №: 10 219 Спасибо сказали: 7 раз ![]() |
установил PtokaX на фрю (9.0-RELEASE) , при запуске ./PtokaX через секунд 10 появляется сообщение server start failed! нашел папку PtokaX/logs ну и описание моей проблемы кажись : 01.02.2012. 03:15:40 - Resolving of hostname ' <Enter hub address here>' has faile Check the address please сначала была такая запись: <String Name=“HubAddress”></String><!– Hub address. Min length 1, max 256. –> пробовал изменить на: <String Name=“HubAddress”>my-dc.ru</String><!– Hub address. Min length 1, max 256. –> результат тот же... Мож кто встречался с подобной проблемой? В файле Settings.xml проверь соответствие - должно быть так: Код <Strings>
<String Name="HubName">my-dc.ru</String> <String Name="HubAddress"></String> </Strings> |
![]() Начинающий ![]() Группа: Пользователи Сообщений: 24 Регистрация: 30.1.2012 Пользователь №: 10 242 Спасибо сказали: 0 раз ![]() |
собственно вот сам файл Settings.xml который лежит у меня в папке /usr/home/vek/PtokaX/cfg/cfg.example
Раскрывающийся текст Код <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" standalone="yes" ?> <PtokaX Version=""> <Booleans> <Bool Name="AntiMoGlo">1</Bool><!-- Anti MoGlo description --> <Bool Name="AutoStart">0</Bool><!-- Hub autostart, service version always start automatically! --> <Bool Name="RedirectAll">0</Bool><!-- Redirect all connecting users --> <Bool Name="RedirectWhenHubFull">0</Bool><!-- Redirect users when hub is full --> <Bool Name="AutoRegister">1</Bool><!-- Automatically register to hublist --> <Bool Name="RegOnly">0</Bool><!-- Hub for registered users only --> <Bool Name="RegOnlyRedir">0</Bool><!-- Redirect non-registered users when hub is for registered users only --> <Bool Name="ShareLimitRedir">0</Bool><!-- Redirect user when he's don't have share limit --> <Bool Name="SlotsLimitRedir">0</Bool><!-- Redirect user when he's don't have slot limit --> <Bool Name="HubSlotRatioRedir">0</Bool><!-- Redirect user when he's don't have hub/slot ratio limit --> <Bool Name="MaxHubsLimitRedir">0</Bool><!-- Redirect user when he's don't have max hubs limit --> <Bool Name="ModeToMyINFO">1</Bool><!-- Add user mode to MyINFO command. --> <Bool Name="ModeToDescription">0</Bool><!-- Add user mode to description. --> <Bool Name="StripDescription">0</Bool><!-- Strip user description. --> <Bool Name="StripTag">1</Bool><!-- Strip user description tag. --> <Bool Name="StripConnection">0</Bool><!-- Strip user connection. --> <Bool Name="StripEmail">0</Bool><!-- Strip user email --> <Bool Name="RegBot">1</Bool><!-- Register hub bot on hub. --> <Bool Name="UseBotNickAsHubSec">1</Bool><!-- Use hub bot nick instead of Hub-Security. --> <Bool Name="RegOpChat">1</Bool><!-- Register Opchat bot on hub. --> <Bool Name="TempBanRedir">0</Bool><!-- Redirect user when is temp banned. --> <Bool Name="PermBanRedir">0</Bool><!-- Redirect user when is perm banned. --> <Bool Name="EnableScripting">1</Bool><!-- Enable scripting interface. --> <Bool Name="KeepSlowUsers">1</Bool><!-- Keep slow clients. --> <Bool Name="CheckNewReleases">1</Bool><!-- Automatically check for new PtokaX releases on startup, working only in gui version. --> <Bool Name="EnableTrayIcon">1</Bool><!-- Enable tray icon, working only in gui version. --> <Bool Name="StartMinimized">0</Bool><!-- Start minimized, working only in gui version. --> <Bool Name="FilterKickMessages">1</Bool><!-- Filter kick messages. --> <Bool Name="SendKickMessagesToOps">1</Bool><!-- Send kick messages to OPs. --> <Bool Name="SendStatusMessages">1</Bool><!-- Send status messages to OPs. --> <Bool Name="SendStatusMessagesAsPm">0</Bool><!-- Send status messages as private messages. --> <Bool Name="EnableTextFiles">1</Bool><!-- Enable text files. --> <Bool Name="SendTextFilesAsPm">0</Bool><!-- Send text files as private messages. --> <Bool Name="StopScriptOnError">0</Bool><!-- Stop script on error. --> <Bool Name="MOTDAsPm">0</Bool><!-- Send MOTD as private message. --> <Bool Name="DefloodReport">0</Bool><!-- Report deflood actions. --> <Bool Name="ReplyToHubCommandsAsPm">0</Bool><!-- Reply to hub commands with private messages. --> <Bool Name="DisableMOTD">0</Bool><!-- Disable MOTD. --> <Bool Name="DontAllowPingers">0</Bool><!-- Don't allow hublist pingers. --> <Bool Name="ReportPingers">0</Bool><!-- Report hublist pingers. --> <Bool Name="Report3xBadPass">1</Bool><!-- Report 3x bad password. --> <Bool Name="AdvancedPassProtection">1</Bool><!-- Advanced password protection. --> <Bool Name="BindOnlySingleIp">0</Bool><!-- Listen only on single IP. --> <Bool Name="ResolveToIp">1</Bool><!-- Resolve hostname to IP. --> <Bool Name="NickLimitRedir">0</Bool><!-- Redir user when he's don't have nick in length limits. --> <Bool Name="SendUserIP2ToUserOnLogin">1</Bool><!-- Send UserIP to user on login. --> <Bool Name="BanMessageShowIp">1</Bool><!-- Send ip in ban message. --> <Bool Name="BanMessageShowRange">1</Bool><!-- Send range in ban message. --> <Bool Name="BanMessageShowNick">1</Bool><!-- Send nick in ban message. --> <Bool Name="BanMessageShowReason">1</Bool><!-- Send reason in ban message. --> <Bool Name="BanMessageShowBy">1</Bool><!-- Send who create ban in ban message. --> <Bool Name="ReportSuspiciousTag">1</Bool><!-- Report suspicious tag to OPs. --> <Bool Name="AcceptUnknownTag">1</Bool><!-- Accept tag from unknown clients. --> <Bool Name="PopupScriptsWindow">0</Bool><!-- Popup scripts window on script error. --> <Bool Name="LogScriptErrors">0</Bool><!-- Save script errors to log. --> <Bool Name="NoQuackSupports">0</Bool><!-- Disallow clients sending buggy $Supports. --> </Booleans> <Integers> <Integer Name="MaxUsers">250</Integer><!-- Max users limit --> <Integer Name="MinShareLimit">0</Integer><!-- Min share limit. Max 9999. --> <Integer Name="MinShareUnits">0</Integer><!-- Min share units. 0 = B, 1 = kB, 2 = MB, 3 = GB, 4 = TB. Max 4. --> <Integer Name="MaxShareLimit">0</Integer><!-- Max share limit. Max 9999. --> <Integer Name="MaxShareUnits">0</Integer><!-- Max share units. 0 = B, 1 = kB, 2 = MB, 3 = GB, 4 = TB. Max 4. --> <Integer Name="MinSlotsLimit">0</Integer><!-- Min slots limit. --> <Integer Name="MaxSlotsLimit">0</Integer><!-- Max slots limit. --> <Integer Name="HubSlotRatioHubs">0</Integer><!-- Hubs for hub/slot ratio. --> <Integer Name="HubSlotRatioSlots">0</Integer><!-- Slots for hub/slot ratio. --> <Integer Name="MaxHubsLimit">0</Integer><!-- Max hubs limit. --> <Integer Name="NoTagOption">0</Integer><!-- No tag option. 0 = accept, 1 = reject, 2 = redirect. Max 2. --> <Integer Name="FullMyINFOOption">1</Integer><!-- Send full MyINFO to... 0 = to all, 1 = to profile, 2 = to none. Max 2. --> <Integer Name="MaxChatLen">300</Integer><!-- Max chat length limit. --> <Integer Name="MaxChatLines">5</Integer><!-- Max chat lines limit. --> <Integer Name="MaxPmLen">512</Integer><!-- Max private message length limit. --> <Integer Name="MaxPmLines">25</Integer><!-- Max private message lines limit. --> <Integer Name="DefaultTempBanTime">20</Integer><!-- Default tempban time. Must be higher than 0. --> <Integer Name="MaxPassiveSr">100</Integer><!-- Max passive search replys limit. --> <Integer Name="MyINFODelay">30</Integer><!-- Time before new MyINFO from user is accepted for broadcast. --> <Integer Name="MainChatMessages">20</Integer><!-- Main chat deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="MainChatTime">20</Integer><!-- Main chat deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="MainChatAction">2</Integer><!-- Main chat deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="SameMainChatMessages">5</Integer><!-- Same main chat deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="SameMainChatTime">60</Integer><!-- Same main chat deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="SameMainChatAction">2</Integer><!-- Same main chat deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="SameMultiMainChatMessages">2</Integer><!-- Same multiline main chat deflood messages count. Min 2, max 999. --> <Integer Name="SameMultiMainChatLines">2</Integer><!-- Same multiline main chat deflood lines. Min 2, max 999. --> <Integer Name="SameMultiMainChatAction">3</Integer><!-- Same multiline main chat deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="PmMessages">10</Integer><!-- Private message deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="PmTime">10</Integer><!-- Private message deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="PmAction">2</Integer><!-- Private message deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="SamePmMessages">5</Integer><!-- Same private message deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="SamePmTime">60</Integer><!-- Same private message deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="SamePmAction">2</Integer><!-- Same private message deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="SameMultiPmMessages">2</Integer><!-- Same multiline private message deflood messages count. Min 2, max 999. --> <Integer Name="SameMultiPmLines">2</Integer><!-- Same multiline private message deflood lines. Min 2, max 999. --> <Integer Name="SameMultiPmAction">3</Integer><!-- Same multiline private message action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="SearchMessages">2</Integer><!-- Search deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="SearchTime">10</Integer><!-- Search deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="SearchAction">1</Integer><!-- Search deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="SameSearchMessages">1</Integer><!-- Same search deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="SameSearchTime">60</Integer><!-- Same search deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="SameSearchAction">1</Integer><!-- Same search deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="MyINFOMessages">6</Integer><!-- MyINFO deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="MyINFOTime">60</Integer><!-- MyINFO deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="MyINFOAction">2</Integer><!-- MyINFO deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="GetNickListMessages">1</Integer><!-- GetNickList deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="GetNickListTime">120</Integer><!-- GetNickList deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="GetNickListAction">3</Integer><!-- GetNickList deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="NewConnectionsCount">10</Integer><!-- Connection deflood connecions count. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="NewConnectionsTime">60</Integer><!-- Connection deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="DefloodWarningCount">6</Integer><!-- Deflood warnings count. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="DefloodWarningAction">2</Integer><!-- Deflood warnings action. 0 = disconnect, 1 = kick, 2 = tempban, 3 = permban. Max 3. --> <Integer Name="DefloodTempBanTime">240</Integer><!-- Deflood tempban time. Higher than 0. --> <Integer Name="GlobalMainChatMessages">20</Integer><!-- Global main chat messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="GlobalMainChatTime">10</Integer><!-- Global main chat time. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="GlobalMainChatTimeOut">10</Integer><!-- Global main chat timeout. Higher than 0, max 999. --> <Integer Name="GlobalMainChatAction">2</Integer><!-- Global main chat action. 0 = disabled, 1 = lock chat, 2 = send to ops with ips. Max 2. --> <Integer Name="MinSearchLen">1</Integer><!-- Min search length. --> <Integer Name="MaxSearchLen">96</Integer><!-- Max search length. --> <Integer Name="MinNickLen">2</Integer><!-- Min nick length. Max 64. --> <Integer Name="MaxNickLen">64</Integer><!-- Max nick length. Max 64. --> <Integer Name="BruteForcePassProtectBanType">1</Integer><!-- Brute force password protection ban type. 0 = disabled, 1 = permban, 2 = tempban. --> <Integer Name="BruteForcePassProtectTempBanTime">24</Integer><!-- Brute force password protection temp ban time. Higher than 0. --> <Integer Name="MaxPmCountToUser">100</Integer><!-- Max pm count to same user per minute. --> <Integer Name="MaxSimultaneousLogins">25</Integer><!-- Max simultaneous logins. Higher than 0, max 500. --> <Integer Name="MainChatMessages2">120</Integer><!-- Secondary main chat deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="MainChatTime2">600</Integer><!-- Secondary main chat deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="MainChatAction2">3</Integer><!-- Secondary main chat deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="PmMessages2">60</Integer><!-- Secondary private message deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="PmTime2">300</Integer><!-- Secondary private message deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="PmAction2">3</Integer><!-- Secondary private message deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="SearchMessages2">31</Integer><!-- Secondary search deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="SearchTime2">300</Integer><!-- Secondary search deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="SearchAction2">3</Integer><!-- Secondary search deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="MyINFOMessages2">30</Integer><!-- Secondary myINFO deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="MyINFOTime2">900</Integer><!-- Secondary myINFO deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="MyINFOAction2">3</Integer><!-- Secondary myINFO deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="MaxMyINFOLen">256</Integer><!-- Maximum MyINFO length. Higher than 0, max 512. --> <Integer Name="CTMMessages">500</Integer><!-- Primary ConnectToMe deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="CTMTime">60</Integer><!-- Primary ConnectToMe deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="CTMAction">1</Integer><!-- Primary ConnectToMe deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="CTMMessages2">5000</Integer><!-- Secondary ConnectToMe deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="CTMTime2">600</Integer><!-- Secondary ConnectToMe deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="CTMAction2">0</Integer><!-- Secondary ConnectToMe deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="RCTMMessages">250</Integer><!-- Primary RevConnectToMe deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="RCTMTime">60</Integer><!-- Primary RevConnectToMe deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="RCTMAction">1</Integer><!-- Primary RevConnectToMe deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="RCTMMessages2">2500</Integer><!-- Secondary RevConnectToMe deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="RCTMTime2">600</Integer><!-- Secondary RevConnectToMe deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="RCTMAction2">3</Integer><!-- Secondary RevConnectToMe deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="MaxCTMLen">128</Integer><!-- Maximum ConnectToMe length. Higher than 0, max 512. --> <Integer Name="MaxRCTMLen">160</Integer><!-- Maximum RevConnectToMe length. Higher than 0, max 512. --> <Integer Name="SRMessages">1000</Integer><!-- Primary SR deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="SRTime">60</Integer><!-- Primary SR deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="SRAction">1</Integer><!-- Primary SR deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="SRMessages2">10000</Integer><!-- Secondary SR deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="SRTime2">600</Integer><!-- Secondary SR deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="SRAction2">0</Integer><!-- Secondary SR deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="MaxSRLen">1024</Integer><!-- Maximum SR length. Higher than 0, max 8192. --> <Integer Name="MaxDownAction">4</Integer><!-- Primary received data deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="MaxDownKb">128</Integer><!-- Primary received data deflood kB. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="MaxDownTime">60</Integer><!-- Primary received data deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="MaxDownAction2">5</Integer><!-- Secondary received data deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. --> <Integer Name="MaxDownKb2">256</Integer><!-- Secondary received data deflood kB. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="MaxDownTime2">300</Integer><!-- Secondary received data deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="ChatIntervalMessages">5</Integer><!-- Chat messages interval messages. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="ChatIntervalTime">10</Integer><!-- Chat messages interval time. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="PMIntervalMessages">5</Integer><!-- Private messages interval messages. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="PMIntervalTime">10</Integer><!-- Private messages interval time. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="SearchIntervalMessages">5</Integer><!-- Search interval count. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="SearchIntervalTime">60</Integer><!-- Search interval time. Higher than 0, max 29999. --> <Integer Name="MaxConnSameIP">5</Integer><!-- Maximum connections from same IP. --> <Integer Name="MinReConnTime">10</Integer><!-- Minimum reconnect time in seconds. Higher than 0, max 256. --> </Integers> <Strings> <String Name="HubName">my-dc.ru</String><!-- Hub name. Min length 1, max 256. --> <String Name="AdminNick">Admin</String><!-- Admin nick. Min length 1, max 64, $ is not allowed. --> <String Name="HubAddress"></String><!-- Hub address. Min length 1, max 256. --> <String Name="TCPPorts">411</String><!-- TCP ports. Min length 1, max 64. --> <String Name="UDPPort">184</String><!-- UDP port. Min length 1, max 5. --> <String Name="HubDescription">DDDDFFFFVVVV</String><!-- Hub description. Max length 256. --> <String Name="RedirectAddress"></String><!-- Main redirect address. Max length 256. --> <String Name="RegisterServers">reg.hublist.org;serv.hubs-list.com;hublist.cz;hublist.dreamland-net.eu;allhublista.myip.hu;hubinfo.myip.hu;publichublist-nl.no-ip.org;reg.hublist.dk</String><!-- Hublist register servers. Max length 1024. --> <String Name="RegOnlyMessage">Sorry, this hub is only for registered users.</String><!-- Registered users only message. Min length 1, max 256. --> <String Name="RegOnlyRedirAddress"></String><!-- Registered users only redirect address. Max length 256. --> <String Name="HubTopic"></String><!-- Hub topic. Max length 256. --> <String Name="ShareLimitMessage">Your share is outside the limits. Min share is %[min], max share is %[max].</String><!-- Share limit message. Min length 1, max 256. Use %[min] for min share size and %[max] for max share size. --> <String Name="ShareLimitRedirAddress"></String><!-- Share limit redirect address. Max length 256. --> <String Name="SlotsLimitMessage">Your slots count is outside the limits. Min slots limit is %[min], max slots limit is %[max].</String><!-- Slot limit message. Min length 1, max 256. Use %[min] for min slots and %[max] for max slots. --> <String Name="SlotsLimitRedirAddress"></String><!-- Slot limit redirect address. Max length 256. --> <String Name="HubSlotRatioMessage">Your hubs/slots ratio outside the limit. Maximum allowed ratio is %[hubs]/%[slots].</String><!-- Hub/slot ratio limit message. Min length 1, max 256. Use %[hubs] for hubs and %[slots] for slots. --> <String Name="HubSlotRatioRedirAddress"></String><!-- Hub/slot ratio limit redirect address. Max length 256. --> <String Name="MaxHubsLimitMessage">Your hubs count is higher than allowed %[hubs] hubs.</String><!-- Max hubs limit message. Min length 1, max 256. Use %[hubs] for max hubs. --> <String Name="MaxHubsLimitRedirAddress"></String><!-- Max hubs limit redirect address. Max length 256. --> <String Name="NoTagMessage">Your client don't send description tag, or your client is not supported here.</String><!-- No tag rule message. Min length 1, max 256. --> <String Name="NoTagRedirAddress"></String><!-- No tag rule redirect address. Max length 256. --> <String Name="BotNick">PtokaX</String><!-- Hub bot nick. Min length 1, max 64, $ and space is not allowed. --> <String Name="BotDescription"></String><!-- Hub bot description. Max length 64, $ is not allowed. --> <String Name="BotEmail"></String><!-- Hub bot email. Max length 64, $ is not allowed. --> <String Name="OpChatNick">OpChat</String><!-- OpChat bot nick. Min length 1, max 64, $ and space is not allowed. --> <String Name="OpChatDescription"></String><!-- OpChat bot description. Max length 64, $ is not allowed. --> <String Name="OpChatEmail"></String><!-- OpChat bot email. Max length 64, $ is not allowed. --> <String Name="TempBanRedirAddress"></String><!-- Temp ban redirect address. Max length 256. --> <String Name="PermBanRedirAddress"></String><!-- Perm ban redirect address. Max length 256. --> <String Name="ChatCommandsPrefixes">!+-/*</String><!-- Chat commands prefixes. Min length 1, max 5. --> <String Name="HubOwnerEmail"></String><!-- Hub owner email. Max length 64. --> <String Name="NickLimitMessage">Your nick length is outside the limit. Allowed min is %[min] and max %[max].</String><!-- Nick limit message. Min length 1, max 256. Use %[min] for min length and %[max] for max length. --> <String Name="NickLimitRedirAddress"></String><!-- Nick limit redirect address. Max length 256. --> <String Name="MessageToAddToBanMessage"></String><!-- Additional message to ban message. Max lenght 256. --> <String Name="Language"></String><!-- Language. --> </Strings> </PtokaX> Сообщение отредактировал freman_ - 1.2.2012, 12:52
Причина редактирования: Под спойлер конфиги, и желательно в код.
![]() Начинающий ![]() Группа: Пользователи Сообщений: 10 Регистрация: 24.1.2012 Пользователь №: 10 219 Спасибо сказали: 7 раз ![]() |
собственно вот сам файл Settings.xml который лежит у меня в папке /usr/home/vek/PtokaX/cfg/cfg.example А файл Settings.xml скопирован в каталог "/usr/home/vek/PtokaX/cfg" ? В каталоге "/usr/home/vek/PtokaX/cfg" должны быть все нижеперечисленные файлы BanList.xml Motd.txt RegisteredUsers.xml Scripts.xml ClientTags.xml Profiles.xml ReservedNicks.xml Settings.xml У тебя файлы конфигурации не подцепились - в логе об этом сказано "<Enter hub address here>" - это кусок строки дефолтного конфига, который ты и должен заменить на IP-адрес хаба. (предварительно перенеся файл Settings.xml в каталог "/usr/home/vek/PtokaX/cfg") |
![]() Начинающий ![]() Группа: Пользователи Сообщений: 24 Регистрация: 30.1.2012 Пользователь №: 10 242 Спасибо сказали: 0 раз ![]() |
вот оно в чем было дело!!!
я полагал что настройки берутся из cfg.example Благодарствую!!! все заработало. p.s. подскажите пожалуйста чтоб на хаб по имени (my-dc.ru) можно было зайти что нужно вписать ? |
![]() Начинающий ![]() Группа: Пользователи Сообщений: 10 Регистрация: 24.1.2012 Пользователь №: 10 219 Спасибо сказали: 7 раз ![]() |
вот оно в чем было дело!!! я полагал что настройки берутся из cfg.example Благодарствую!!! все заработало. p.s. подскажите пожалуйста чтоб на хаб по имени (my-dc.ru) можно было зайти что нужно вписать ? Прописать соответствие IP-адреса имени my-dc.ru в файле hosts клиентской машины. Либо создать dns сервер в локальной сети хаба и создать запись соответственно машине с хабом. |
![]() Начинающий ![]() Группа: Пользователи Сообщений: 24 Регистрация: 30.1.2012 Пользователь №: 10 242 Спасибо сказали: 0 раз ![]() |
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Сейчас: 28.3.2025, 19:36 |