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2.4.2010, 5:55 |
RSS лента |
Незнаю в чём проблема.... В общем решил переделать RSS под себя. Было так: Раскрывающийся текст -- "Botname" ["" = hub bot] local Bot = "ServiceBot" -- Save recent feeds to this file for script/hub restarts local File = "FeedWatch.dat" -- Set your feed's URL local Feed = "http://bash.org.ru/rss/" -- Set the update interval [in minutes] local Refresh = 60 -- Enable capture of these RSS fields local Fields = { ["<title>"] = true, ["<description>"] = true, ["<link>"] = true, ["<author>"] = false, ["<category>"] = false, ["<comments>"] = false, ["<pubDate>"] = true, ["<guid>"] = false, } --Replace these strings in feed XML [--Comment unwanted replacements] local Rep = { ["%<%!%[CDATA%["] = "", ["%]%]%>"] = "", ["%[code *%]"] = "", ["<img [^>]*>"] = "", ["<p>"] = "", ["<a href[^\w]+"] = "", ["<br />"] = " ", ["\t"] = " ", ["\r\n"] = "", ["["] = string.char(91), ["]"] = string.char(93), [" [ ]+"] = " ", ["<div class=\"codeheader\">"] = "", } -- Truncate RSS fields to this width. local MaxWidth = 8500 -- Remove all HTML <tags> in feed fields? true/false local TagFilter = true -- Always send new feed to pm? true/false local OnlyPm = true -- Append new feeds to MOTD? [Motd restored at script exit] local DoMotd = false -- "Preset FeedNick" [Nick new feeds are sent from] / false = Use feed title for FeedNick local FeedNick = false tProfile = { [-1] = 0, [0] = 1, [1] = 1, [2] = 1, [3] = 1, [4] = 1, } --//-- local socket = require"socket" assert(socket,"Failed to load socket extension. Check files.") local http = require("socket.http") assert(http,"Failed to load http module. Check files.") local Asc = {},0,"" OnStartup = function() if Bot == "" then Bot = SetMan.GetString(21) end if loadfile(File) then dofile(File) else Old = {} SaveFile(File,Old,"Old") end end function UserConnected(tUser) if tProfile[tUser.iProfile] == 1 then Core.SendToUser(tUser,"$UserCommand 1 3 Онлайн сервисы\\RSS Новости\\Bash.Org.ru$<%[mynick]> !rssfactorial|") end end OpConnected = UserConnected RegConnected = UserConnected Стало так: Раскрывающийся текст -- "Botname" ["" = hub bot] local Bot = "ServiceBot" -- Save recent feeds to this file for script/hub restarts local File = "FeedWatch2.dat" -- Set your feed's URL local Feed = "http://lenta.ru/rss/" -- Set the update interval [in minutes] local Refresh = 60 -- Enable capture of these RSS fields local Fields = { ["<title>"] = true, ["<description>"] = true, ["<link>"] = true, ["<author>"] = false, ["<category>"] = false, ["<comments>"] = false, ["<pubDate>"] = true, ["<guid>"] = false, } --Replace these strings in feed XML [--Comment unwanted replacements] local Rep = { ["%<%!%[CDATA%["] = "", ["%]%]%>"] = "", ["%[code *%]"] = "", ["<img [^>]*>"] = "", ["<p>"] = "", ["<a href[^\w]+"] = "", ["<br />"] = " ", ["\t"] = " ", ["\r\n"] = "", ["["] = string.char(91), ["]"] = string.char(93), [" [ ]+"] = " ", ["<div class=\"codeheader\">"] = "", } -- Truncate RSS fields to this width. local MaxWidth = 8500 -- Remove all HTML <tags> in feed fields? true/false local TagFilter = true -- Always send new feed to pm? true/false local OnlyPm = true -- Append new feeds to MOTD? [Motd restored at script exit] local DoMotd = false -- "Preset FeedNick" [Nick new feeds are sent from] / false = Use feed title for FeedNick local FeedNick = false tProfile = { [-1] = 0, [0] = 1, [1] = 1, [2] = 1, [3] = 1, [4] = 1, } --//-- local socket = require"socket" assert(socket,"Failed to load socket extension. Check files.") local http = require("socket.http") assert(http,"Failed to load http module. Check files.") local Asc = {},0,"" OnStartup = function() if Bot == "" then Bot = SetMan.GetString(21) end if loadfile(File) then dofile(File) else Old = {} SaveFile(File,Old,"Old") end end function UserConnected(tUser) if tProfile[tUser.iProfile] == 1 then Core.SendToUser(tUser,"$UserCommand 1 3 Онлайн сервисы\\RSS Новости\\Lenta.ru$<%[mynick]> !rssfactorial|") end end OpConnected = UserConnected RegConnected = UserConnected Я догадываюсь что дело в этой строке Core.SendToUser(tUser,"$UserCommand 1 3 Онлайн сервисы\\RSS Новости\\Lenta.ru$<%[mynick]> !rssfactorial|") Но я незнаю где взять другую и что менять... ============================= Всё, разобрался ![]() Не думал что всё так просто... оказывается вызов к !rssfactorial идёт 2 раза... 2ой не заметил сначала. Поэтому и кидал с БАШа. добавил 2 в конце в обоих местах - заработало =) |
Invisible, Shark48 | ||
![]() |
Сейчас: 29.3.2025, 9:50 |