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MyDC.ru _ Kîðçèíà _ Îò: RankingScriptMySQL

Àâòîð: OtshelnikFm 22.4.2009, 20:03

- Currently provides the following:
        •HubShare    -- Total Hub Share
        •Users        -- Total Users
        •UpTimes    -- User session times [time logged in]
        •UserShare    -- User Shares
        •Logins        -- User connections
        •Chat        -- Number of chat messages by user
        •ChatChars    -- Number of chat characters by user
        •Pms        -- Number of private messages [pm's] by user
        •PmChars    -- Number of pm characters by user
        •Cmds        -- Number of commands [Chat received in command format with Hub prefixes]
        •Smilies    -- Number of 'smiley' codes. ie.':)' Settable in table below
        •Lols        -- Number of chat acronyms ie lol, rofl. Settable in table below
        •CTMs        -- Number of CTM, RCTM requests, indicates transfer activity
        •Searches    -- Number of user searches
        •Kicks        -- Number of kick commands [$Kick protocol command only]
        •Redirs        -- Number of redirections [$OpForceMove]
        •Pingers    -- Number of BotINFOArrival requests
        •Unknowns    -- Number of unknown commands sent to the hub and by whom
